Act Now: Protect Children from Traffickers

The Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act is the piece of legislation that is needed to replace the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, that was allow to expire at the end of September.

Due to pressure from constituents both the House and the Senate have written version of a Reauthorization Act.  The Senate’s bill is the closest to being passed.  If the Senate can pass their bill in the next few days, before both the House and the Senate adjourn for the year, House can then move forward with their bill. That would be bring America one step closer to once again having a policy that combats modern slavery, especially the sexual enslavement of children and women.

Right now, the most important thing Christians can be doing, besides praying, is calling their Senators.  Call everyday between now and December 23, call twice a day if you can, and bombard them emails letting them know where God’s people stand on ending child slavery. Once the Senate passes their version, it will be the Houses’ turn, and we can then shift our focus to them.

World Vision has an easy form that helps you to find all the necessary information about your senators, they even for a video and script to help those who are nervous or don’t know what to say.

Speak up now, it’s time for Christians to use their collective voice and power, for those who are powerless and can’t fight for themselves.